
I was waiting for the guns to be loaded with the paint balls once they were loaded and ready to go everyone put their helmets on after that we had to test the guns to see if they were working then we went onto the battlefield while I was walking I was thinking about what to do.Once the teams were sorted the whistle went and everyone started shooting each other.The blue team looked like they had a plan while our team didn’t have a full plan yet Mr pickard tried to go over to the other side but then cooper shot him and he was out for the whole round people were getting shot and the blue team was taking over I got shot and it kinda hurt so I went out after a few minutes I went back in   

and I saw that Tiana was down so I tried to help her and I kept getting shot at then I got shot right in the neck and so I put my hand up because I was out then I got shot again and it was in the leg and both of them hurt then the round was over and we stopped and had some launch  after launch we had another round but this round was different for the bases one was a tower that was up straight and the other tower was on its side the goal was to get the barrel and throw it at the other teams tower coming towards the end me Tiana and Ella all worked together to get to one of the main things once we got there we started shooting people we thought there were only three people left but then lots of people came out and then after that we were done we came back to school 

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